avana LLC

Final Project

Interative lamp

This project is primarily an art project which improves user emotions and experiences. Our vision to enul the darkness not from the streets or say pathways of IIT but also to inspire and give company to people who take a stroll in campus at nights. Technology is something we humans have generalized in our lives as any other essential and unknowingly we are always surrounded with it. So, we are making a combination of nature & technology to give a glimmering experience to those who love.

Rock Dhokra Art

Dhokra is non–ferrous metal casting using the lost-wax casting technique. There are two main processes of lost wax casting: hollow casting and solid casting. Solid casting does not use a clay core but instead a solid piece of wax to create the mould; hollow casting is the more traditional method and uses the clay core.

Materials and Tools

Wax was the base material for making the petals. Clay and fine sand were used for making the moulds for casting. Waste brass pieces were used for casting. Major Tools were created by the craftsmen themselves.


1. First step was making wax petals with hinges which would be casted in Brass

2. Second was to apply fine layer of clay to achieve fine details while casting. Then apply second layer of mud which will form the final mould.


1. First step for casting is to preheat the moulds where the was gets evaporated leaving negative space for brass to flow. Simultaneously the brass is also added to the cruicible.

Post - Casting

1. All the moulds were broken to see the casting output which were later buffed.


1. The electonics consists of Ultrasonic sensor, MG995 servo motor, WS2812b LED strip and arduino Uno.

Assembly and Testing

Last and final test of the project was to assembly the electonics and mechanical parts and engage them together.

Final Outcome